... a finales de los 60 regresó por la puerta grande y tuvo momentos de verdadera gloria artística. La inmediatez , la pureza y la rabia de sus comienzos se diluyeron un poco pero a cambio de eso estaba esa descomunal voz más melodramática que nunca, ese espectáculo que solo el podía dar con su magnetismo y su carisma y esas CANCIONES esculpidas en mármol blanco...
...down to the end of the sixties, he came back through the main door and he truly had glorious artistic moments. The immediacy, the purity and the rage he showed in the beginnings were somehow dissolved, but in exchange there was that wonderful voice, more melodramatic than ever, the performance that only was up to him to give with his magnetism, charisma and those songs sculpted in white marble...
...down to the end of the sixties, he came back through the main door and he truly had glorious artistic moments. The immediacy, the purity and the rage he showed in the beginnings were somehow dissolved, but in exchange there was that wonderful voice, more melodramatic than ever, the performance that only was up to him to give with his magnetism, charisma and those songs sculpted in white marble...
All you needs a strong heart and a nerve of steel Viva las vegas, viva las vegas.
Text by "Mr You Know"